2023-2024 Schedule & Holidays
FALL 2023
First Day of Term
Friday Classes: Sept. 8th
Saturday Classes: Sept. 9th
Monday Classes: Sept. 11th
Tuesday Classes: Sept. 12th
Wednesday Classes: Sept. 13th
Thursday Classes: Sept. 14th
Thanksgiving Break
Wed., Nov. 22nd - Tues., Nov. 28th
Last Day of Term
Friday Classes: Dec. 15th
Saturday Classes: Dec. 16th
Monday Classes: Dec. 18th
Tuesday Classes: Dec. 19th
Wednesday Classes: Dec. 20th
Thursday Classes: Dec. 21st
Winter Break
Fri., Dec. 22nd, 2023 - Thu., Jan. 4th, 2023
First Day of Term
Friday Classes: Jan. 5th
Saturday Classes: Jan. 6th
Monday Classes: Jan. 8th
Tuesday Classes: Jan. 9th
Wednesday Classes: Jan. 10th
Thursday Classes: Jan. 11th
President's Day Break
Fri., Feb. 16th - Thu., Feb. 22nd
​Spring (Easter) Break
Fri., March 29th - Thu., April 11th
Memorial Day Break
Thu., May 23rd - Wed., May 29th
Last Day of Term
Friday Classes: June 7th
Saturday Classes: June 8th
Monday Classes: Jan. 10th
Tuesday Classes: Jan. 11th
Wednesday Classes: Jan. 12th
Thursday Classes: Jan. 13th