A Math Tutor I Recommend
This summer one of my sons took an online Algebra II class so that he could skip ahead to pre-Calculus when he returned to his high...
Alternative Homework for 6th & 7th graders
It has come to my attention that there are no e-book or Kindle versions of the Wicked History series of books I asked 6th and 7th graders...
Homework & Book Lists Have Been Emailed
The latest homework assignment has been emailed to all parents. This includes the composition prompt and the titles your child can choose...
This Week's Vocabulary
Vocabulary for 4th, 5th & 6th graders have been sent. Please check your email.
How to Help Your Kids with Writing Homework
Parents often ask me, “What can I do to help my children with their writing homework?” This is an area of genuine concern for the parents...
A Letter from a Worried Parent
This is an email I recently received from a parent. My response follows: Hi Mr. G, I am a mom of two sons (ages 9 and 5) and we live in...
家长们常常问我:应该怎样帮助孩子的写作功课?这是一个让许多家长关心的问题,因为家长们自己不是从小在美国长大的。 幸运的是,还是有一些方法可以让这些家长们采用。他们可以帮助孩子的写作,即便他们自己英文也不够流利。 1. 朗读一遍:...
Five Ways to Maximize Learning at Home
“What can I do at home to help my children improve their reading and writing skills?” This is a question I hear often from parents who...